Datalogic Scanning 4420 Scanner User Manual

Product Reference Guide
connectors E-1
connect to new device 4-4
dialup 2-27
, 4-9
network 2-27, 4-9
overview 4-1
connector configurations E-1
context sensitive help H-2
control H-2
control panel 2-1, H-2
backlight 2-2
battery 2-30
calibration 2-34
date/time 2-8
Decoding 2-9
options 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13
display 2-15
internet 2-22
keypad 2-25
owner 2-28
password 2-28
power 2-30
power gage 2-30
regional settings 2-31
system 2-35
volume & sounds 2-38
controls, other F-34
copyrights 2-37
corrupted firmware 3-8
Couldn't Find Server B-9
date, setting 2-8
configuration 2-9
Decoding options 2-10
Decoding properties 2-9, 2-10, 2-11
audio 2-9
configure 2-9
Decoding options 2-10
devices 2-12
general options 2-10
settings 2-9
spot beam 2-11
trigger 2-11
default parameters F-1
factory F-1, F-2
maximum F-1, F-2
minimum F-1, F-2
predefined, bar codes G-3
registry F-2
defaults, restore B-3, B-4
delay B-13
delete B-6, B-12
Desklogo.bmp 2-15
desktop B-10
device 2-12
name 2-37
device manager H-2
device partnership H-2
DHCP 2-27
dialup connections 2-27, 4-9
disable 2-11
configuration 2-15
control panel 2-15
DNS 2-27
which Datalogic dock to use A-2
conventions 0-ix
overview 0-vii
domain 4-8
double-click 0-x
double-tap 0-x
USB 4-5
EAN-13 2-13, F-9, G-12
EAN-8 2-13, F-11, G-14
edit B-12