3 Installation
3 Installation
3.1 Introduction
This Programmer's Manual covers the installation and use of the software
contained in the following distributions:
• Development Package for Windows
• Development Package for Linux
• Development Package for Solaris
• User Part Development Package
• Code Files for Dialogic
DSI SPCI Network Interface Boards (various
Each Development Package contains the device driver, library functions,
and header files for use by an application, a number of executables to be run
as part of the software environment, and a utility to configure the protocol
software. The installation of each package type is described in the following
The User Part Development Package contains example source code to
illustrate the techniques used for interfacing with the protocol modules and
protocol-specific header files for use when building an application. It is
distributed as a zip file and a tar file, and is applicable to all supported
operating systems. Extract the contents of the User Part Development
Package onto the development machine maintaining the sub-directory
The Code File contains the operating software for the DSI SPCI Boards. It is
in the form of a single binary file, which is downloaded by the host, to the
board, at run-time. Code Files all have a file suffix .dc3 and must not be
confused with code files for other products which use different suffixes. A
single SS7 Code File (ss7.dc3) includes SS7 protocol options (MTP, ISUP and
TUP). The Code File is used in conjunction with a software license button,
which is purchased and installed on the board to determine the protocols that
the user is authorized to run. The types of license buttons available are
described above. It is subsequently downloaded onto the board at run time.
Some SS7 protocols may also, optionally, be run as Host Protocol Binaries
subject to the purchase of appropriate licenses. Transferring some of the
work to the host allows the user to optimize system performance.
The Development Package, Code File and the User Part Development
Package may be obtained by downloading it from the Dialogic website at:
They must be copied onto the target host machine maintaining binary file
integrity; possible transfer methods include copying using transferable media
and ftp.