Dialogic DSI SPCI Network Interface Boards Network Router User Manual

6 Message Reference
ais_gen Description
0 Do not change AIS / Blue alarm generation mode.
1 Disabled - do not generate AIS / Blue alarm.
2 Enabled - generate AIS / Blue alarm.
The mode used to generate the Remote Alarm Indication (Yellow Alarm)
taken from the following table:
rai_gen Description
0 Do not change RAI / Yellow alarm generation mode.
1 Disabled - do not generate RAI / Yellow alarm.
2 Forced active - generate RAI / Yellow alarm.
3 Automatic generation of RAI / Yellow alarm upon loss of
The diagnostic loop back mode taken from the following table:
loop_mode Description
0 Do not change diagnostic loop back mode.
1 Disabled - remove any diagnostic loop.
2 Payload loopback.
3 Remote loopback.
4 Local loopback.
Status Response
The confirmation message (if requested) indicates success by status of zero.
On error, the following status values can be found in the confirmation
Value Mnemonic Description
0x01 None Invalid framer ID.
0x02 None Invalid message length.
0x03 None Control parameters are not consistent with the type of device being
controlled or with each other.