DES-3326S Layer 3 Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
160 Switch Management and Operating Concepts
are given, this field
should be set to 0.
TOS 0 Metric The cost of using this
router link for TOS 0.
Table 5-21. Routers Links Advertisements − Continued
For each link, separate metrics may be specified for each Type
of Service (TOS). The metric for TOS 0 must always be
included, and was discussed above. Metrics for non-zero TOS
are described below. Note that the cost for non-zero TOS
values that are not specified defaults to the TOS 0 cost.
Metrics must be listed in order of increasing TOS encoding.
For example, the metric for TOS 16 must always follow the
metric for TOS 8 when both are specified.
Field Description
TOS IP Type of Service that
this metric refers to.
Metric The cost of using this
outbound router link, for
traffic of the specified
Table 5-22. Routers Links Advertisement − Continued
Network Links Advertisements
Network links advertisements are Type 2 link state
advertisements. A network links advertisement is originated
for each transit network in the area. A transit network is a
multi-access network that has more than one attached router.
The network links advertisement is originated by the network’s
Designated router. The advertisement describes all routers