D-Link DAP-3410 Network Router User Manual

51D-Link DAP-3410 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Ping Watchdog
IP Address to
Ping Interval:
Startup Delay:
Failure Count
to Reboot:
Select whether the ping watchdog function is
Disabled or Enabled.
Enter the IP address that will be used for the
AP to ping.
Set the amount of time in seconds that the AP
will wait between pings.
Set the amount of time in seconds that the AP
will wait before beginning to ping the target
Set the number of times that the ping will fail
before the ping watchdog will force the AP to
This page will allow you to congure the Ping Watchdog
function of the AP. Ping Watchdog works by sending
ICMP “echo request” packets to a target host and listens
for ICMP echo response replies. Ping Watchdog is
enabled by default.