Emerson 710NPBA Power Supply User Manual

IM581127000 Installation Instructions
Issue AB, March 22, 2012 Spec. No. 581127000 (Model 710NPBA)
Page 106 Chapter 5. Installing the Modules and Initially Starting the System
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Checking Circuit Breaker/Fuse Alarm Procedure
1) Verify system is operating and no alarms are present.
2) Verify the ACU+ displays the Main screen. If not, press ESC repeatedly to return
to the Main screen.
3) Open the distribution cabinet’s front door by turning the latch in the
counterclockwise position.
Note: The following procedure is to be used only with circuit breakers that provide
an alarm indication when manually placed to the OFF (open) position (black
handle). Electrical trip alarm circuit breakers (white handle) cannot be easily
tested in the field.
4) Do one of the following: (1) Remove a good fuse or a dummy fuse from a GMT
fuse position and replace it with a blown fuse, or (2) Remove a good GMT alarm
type fuse from a fuse block containing it and replace it with a blown fuse, or (3)
Place the handle (if black) of a circuit breaker in the OFF (open) position.
a) Requirement: An audible alarm sounds. Alarm will be silenced in
Requirement c).
b) Requirement: ACU+ “Critical/Major” alarm indicator goes from off to red.
c) Requirement: ACU+ displays “Alarm”.
To see the specific alarm, press ENT to display the Main Menu.
Navigate as follows: “Status” (ENT) / Active Alarm” (ENT).
The Active Alarm screen lists one critical alarm.
Press ENT. “DC Fuse Unit Row # FA Critical” is displayed.
d) Requirement: External Relay 1 Critical Summary Alarmand Relay 7
Fuse Alarm” activate.
5) Do one of the following: (1) Replace the blown GMT fuse with the fuse removed,
or (2) Replace the blown GMT alarm type fuse with the fuse removed, or (3)
Place the handle of the circuit breaker in the ON (closed) position.
a) Requirement: ACU+ “Critical/Major” alarm indicator goes from red to off.
b) Requirement: Press ESC repeatedly to return to the Main screen. ACU+
displays “No Alm”.
c) Requirement: All external alarms deactivate.
Checking High 2 Battery Temperature Alarm Procedure
Note: This procedure requires a battery temperature probe and is performed via the
Web Interface.
1) Verify system is operating and no alarms are present.
2) Via the Web Interface, navigate to Device Information / Battery Group / Status
Tab. Record the “IB2 Temp1” temperature reading.
3) Select the Settings tab in the same screen. Record the “IB2 Temp1 High 1”
4) Adjust the “IB2 Temp1 High 1setpoint to 20 degrees below the temperature
recorded in step 2).
a) Requirement: An “IB2 Temp1 High 1” alarm is displayed.
5) From the same screen, record the “IB2 Temp1 High 2” setpoint.