Epson 740i Printer User Manual

Index Page 179
Accessories, 83, 122, 165
Advanced mode, selecting, 33 to 34,
to 38
Advanced settings
color, 40
to 48
layout, 59 to 75
orientation, 48 to 52, 55 to 56
paper size, 48 to 58
print quality, 36 to 40
project types, 33 to 36
saving custom, 78 to 80
special effects, 36 to 40
Aligning print heads, 131, 141
Automatic mode, 22, 29
Background printing
Macintosh, 29
to 31, 113 to 117
Windows, 100 to 113
Banding, 140 to 141
Basic printing, 19 to 31
Bitmap files, 65 to 67
Blank pages, 160
Blurry printouts, 143 to 144
Brightness setting, 44
Photo Quality Ink Jet
Character sets, international, 166
to 176
Character tables, 166, 175 to 176
Characters, garbled, 157 to 158
Checking printer, 137 to 138
Cleaning print heads, 127 to 129
Cleaning printer, 132
Cleaning sheets, 84
Collate setting, 51, 58
Color Adjustment modes, 43 to 44
Color problems, 141 to 142
Color settings, customizing, 40 to 48
ColorSync, using, 35, 46 to 48
Configuration options, Macintosh,
to 120
Contrast setting, 44
Control code, 166
Control panel default settings, 175