The following optional equipment should be available from your
Epson dealer:
l 300/1200-baud H
ayes@-compatible auto-dial internal modem
l 1200/2400-baud Hayes-compatible auto-dial internal modem
2MB memory expansion modules-one or two can be installed
by an authorized Epson dealer or Customer Care Center
l Expansion chassis
l Soft carrying case.
Either of the internal modem options allows you to communicate
with other computers over telephone lines. The expansion chassis
contains two expansion slots, which can accommodate standard
8-bit and 16-bit option cards.
Your Equity LT-286 comes with MS-DOS? version 3.3, by
Microsoft@’ and the GW-BASIC® programming language. You’ll
find reference manuals for both MS-DOS and GW-BASIC packed
in the box with the computer. You can use virtually any application
program designed for the IBM@ Personal Computer, PC XT,” or
PC AT” on your Equity LT-286.
In addition to MS-DOS and GW-BASIC, Epson has included three
time-saving utilities that make MS-DOS easier to use: HELP,
MENU, and XTREE® The HELP program lets you display
information on the screen about any MS-DOS command. MENU
provides an easier way to run the most common MS-DOS
commands. XTREE is a disk management utility that simplifies all
file and directory operations.