An integrated circuit, or chip; the central processing unit (CPU)
of your Equity LT-286.
A special-purpose integrated circuit that can be used to assist the
80286 and speed up certain kinds of arithmetic calculation. The
computer’s system board has a socket to accommodate an
optional 80287 math coprocessor.
AC adapter
The device that converts AC voltage from a wall socket into the
proper DC voltage to power your Equity LT-286. The AC
adapter delivers sufficient power to recharge the NiCad battery
pack while you operate the computer.
Application program
A software program designed to perform a specific task, such as
word processing, spreadsheet analysis, or database management.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A
standard system for encoding text characters, such as letters,
numbers, and punctuation symbols. An ASCII character
occupies one byte of storage. Files stored under the ASCII code
can be used by many different computers, printers, and programs.
A method of data transmission in which one machine sends data
one character at a time to another.
A special kind of batch file that is executed automatically by
MS-DOS each time the computer is turned on or reset.