As you build a gray scale for mode 3, the setup program displays all
possible combinations of foreground and background tones in a grid
at the left side of the screen. In this grid, the numbers and letters in
the column at the left represent foreground tones. The numbers
and letters in the row at the top of the grid represent background
tones. Here is what the numbers and letters stand for:
0 - Black
0 - Black
1 - Blue
1 - Blue
2 - Green 2 - Green
3 - Cyan
3 - Cyan
4 - Red 4 - Red
5 - Magenta
5 - Magenta
6 - Brown 6 - Brown
7 - White 7 - White
8 - Gray 8 - Blinking black
9 - Light blue 9 - Blinking blue
A- Light green A - Blinking green
B - Light cyan B - Blinking cyan
C - Light red C - Blinking red
D - Light magenta D - Blinking magenta
E - Yellow E - Blinking brown
F - Bright white F - Blinking white
For example, to see how a red character might look on a blue
background, you would find the intersection of row 4 and
column 1. The character displayed there is an example of how
that color combination will appear in gray-scale mode 3, given
the current settings.
When you finish assigning gray tones to colors, highlight
SAVE SETTINGS and press Enter. The main menu reappears.
Running the
Setup Program