You can also copy files using XTREE, MENU, or the MS-DOS
XCOPY command. See the sections later in this chapter on
using XTREE and MENU, and see your MS-DOS manual for
information about using XCOPY.
Deleting a Directory
If you no longer need a directory, you can remove it with the
RMDIR command (which can be abbreviated RD). Before
removing a directory, however, you must either delete any files it
contains or move them to a different directory. You cannot delete a
directory that is not empty. (To delete files from a directory, use the
DEL or ERASE command. See “Deleting Data,” below.)
To delete an empty directory, such as the ACCOUNTS directory
under LEDGER, type the following and press Enter:
Formatting Diskettes
Before you can store data on a new diskette, you must format it.
Formatting prepares the diskette so that MS-DOS can store data on
it. You need to do this only once, before you use the diskette for the
first time.
You can also reformat previously used diskettes. Be aware, however,
that reformatting erases all data on the diskette. Always be sure you
no longer need any files on a diskette before reformatting it.
You can format two kinds of 3 1/2-inch diskettes. Double-sided,
double-density diskettes can be formatted to hold 720KB of data.
Double-sided, high-density diskettes can be formatted to hold
1.44MB. You may ordinarily prefer to use high-density diskettes,
since they hold more information. But if you need to transfer files
to another computer that cannot read 1.44MB diskettes, you can
purchase double-density diskettes and use the 720KB format.
Using MS-DOS With Your Equity LT-286