Press N followed by Enter. You see a new menu:
1 - Add devices
2 - Delete devices
0 - Exit
Enter selection number:
To add a device to the list, press 1 and Enter. The program displays
a list of other devices that are not currently included in the
DEVICE LIST. You see a menu similar to this:
Additional DEVICE LIST
4 - Monochrome display adapter and CRT
7 - Math coprocessor (80287)
12 - Alternate serial port
21 - Alternate parallel port
81 - Parallel port (on video adapter)
0 - Exit
Enter the number of the item to add:
Type the number of the item you wish to add and press Enter. You
can add as many devices as necessary. When the DEVICE LIST is
complete, press 0 followed by Enter.
To remove a device from the list, press 2 and Enter. The screen
displays the current DEVICE LIST and the prompt:
Enter the number of the item to delete:
Type the number of the item you wish to delete and press Enter.
You can delete as many devices as necessary.
When the DEVICE LIST is correct, press 0 and then Enter. The
screen displays the modified DEVICE LIST for a final check. If the
list is correct, press Y and Enter.
Performing System