Epson EX-1000 Printer User Manual

Some application programs can use control key sequences. See the
Control Key chart on page A-3 for information on using these.
For the following commands that use only 0 or 1 for the variable,
either the ASCII codes 1 and 0 or the ASCII characters 1 and 0 can be
Esc s, ESC i, ESC U, ESC x, ESC p, ESC W, ESC S, ESC -, and
For example, in BASIC you can turn on double-width with either of
these statements:
The simplest type of command consists of a single character to be
sent to the printer, For instance, to print in condensed mode the code
format is:
ASCII code: SI
Hexadecimal: OF
This code can be sent from a program by sending the code 15 directly
More complex commands consist of two or more character codes, For
example, to print in proportional mode the code format is the following:
Decimal: 27
112 n
Hexadecimal: 1B 70 n
In this case n can be either 1 or 0, to begin or end proportional printing.
You would use the following command to turn ON proportional print
from BASIC:
LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(l12);CHR$(l)
Command Summary