Fujitsu fi-6130 Scanner User Manual

[On] Checkbox
Marking this checkbox enables the Imprinter function.
Format Template
Characters typed in this box are printed on documents. You can enter the following characters (up to 43
Alphabet A to Z, a to z (single-width)
Numerics 0, 1 to 9 (single-width)
Symbols ! " $ # % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [\ ] ^ _` { | } ~ (single-width)
Year/Month/Day %Y
Time (HH:MM) %T
Counter %S (Select from 3 to 8 as the number of digits.)
Other <single-width space>
To print characters # and %, you have to type in ## and %% respectively because these
are special characters. Take note that typing in only one character (#) displays the counter.
You can specify how to indicate the date format.
Format Type in the initial value.
Delimiter Select a delimiter, which is a character that identifies the beginning or the end of a
character string.