HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20/700 Computer Monitor User Manual

Chapter 4 Manual Operation 139
Chapter 4
Loading a Cartridge into a 9840 Drive
To load a cartridge in a 9840 drive:
1. Ensure that the drive is not in use.
2. Open the tape library right front door by pulling on the left side of the
3. Open the library left front door by using a latch key to unlock both locks.
See Figure 32 on page 123. Turn the key counter clockwise to unlock
them, then pull open the door.
4. Locate the cartridge (see Locating a Cartridge in the Storage Cells on
page 127).
5. Insert the cartridge into the 9840 drive using the direction shown in Figure
40 on page 140.
6. Wait for one of the following messages to display on the drive’s front
panel and take the appropriate action, if necessary:
—The Ready F (File Protected) message displays when a write-protected
cartridge loads successfully.
—The Ready U (File Unprotected) message displays when a cartridge
that is not write-protected loads successfully.
—The Ready A (VolSafe-enabled) message displays when a write-
enabled VolSafe cartridge loads successfully.
—The NTReady message displays when the tape in the cartridge has
lost tension. Follow the instructions outlined in the 9840 Tape Drive
User’s Reference Manual to correct this condition.
—The LOADxxxx message displays when the cartridge unsuccessfully
loads, where the xxxx is a fault symptom code. Follow the instructions
outlined in the 9840 Tape Drive User’s Reference Manual to correct
this condition.