HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP FAX-950 Fax Machine User Manual

Multi-Page Signal.
multifile transmission
Refers to the fax machine’s ability to send several documents to different stations at the same time.
NO. (singular) NOS. (plural)
NO. is an abbreviation for the word number. Does NOT denote a negative response.
Refers to the alphabetic identifier assigned to a fax station. For example; The station name is HPFAX.
NO. of stations
Refers to the quantity of stations to be used in the task being performed. Does NOT refer to the phone number
of a station nor act as an identifier. For example; Enter the number of stations to be called.
Refers to a common or routine conditional state of operation. For example; Normal contrast is used for com-
mon everyday fax reception not involving light or dark originals.
Not Registered
A term used to indicate that a particular entry (one-touch or speed dial number) does not have any information
stored in memory for that entry.
NonStandard facilities Command.
NonStandard Facilities.
Non-Standard Setup.
number (singular) numbers (plural)
Refers to a single numeric digit (as in the number 2), or series of numeric digits (as in a telephone number
having several digits).
numeric ID
A number of up to 20 digits which identifies the fax machine and which can be displayed on a compatible
receiving machine.
numeric keypad
The group of numeric keys on the fax machine’s control panel.
*CCITT signal for Group 3 transmission. For more information, see Group 3 standards documentation.