Hitachi MK-90RD011-25 Computer Drive User Manual

172 Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations
Table 4.4 Specific Error Codes for Paircreate
Category Error Code Error Message Recommended Action Value
Volume status EX_ENQVOL Unmatched volume status
within the group
Confirm status using the pairdisplay command.
Make sure all volumes in the group have the
same fence level and volume attributes.
EX_INCSTG Inconsistent status in group Confirm pair status using pairdisplay. 229
EX_INVVOL Invalid volume status Confirm pair status using pairdisplay -l. 222
EX_INVSTP Invalid pair status Confirm pair status using pairdisplay. 228
Unrecoverable EX_ENQSIZ Unmatched volume size for
Confirm volume size or number of LUSE volume
using raidscan -f, and make sure volume sizes
are identical.
Resource EX_ENOCTG Not enough CT groups in
the RAID
Choose an existing CTGID (pairvolchk displays
CTGIDs). Use ‘-f async <CTGID>‘ or ‘-m grp
<CTGID>‘ option of paircreate to force the pair
into a pre-existing CTGID.
EX_ENXCTG No CT groups left for OPEN
Vol use.
Confirm whether all CT groups are already used
by TC/TC390 Async or SI/SI390.
Unrecoverable EX_ENOPOL Not enough Pool in RAID Could not retain the pool for executing a
command due to be exceeded the threshold rate.
Delete unnecessary/earlier generations paired
volume, or re-synchronize unnecessary/earlier
generations split volume.
Note: Unrecoverable errors are fixed and will not be resolved, even after re-executing the
command. If the command failed, the detailed status will be logged in the CCI command log
($HORCC_LOG) (see Table A.2), even if the user script has no error handlin