IBM 240 Laptop User Manual

Recovering lost or damaged software
30. Turn the computer on. The computer boots to the prompt.
31. Type FDISK at the DOS prompt.
The FDISK Options screen appears.
32. Press [1], and then press [Enter].
The "Create DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive" screen
33. Press [1], and then press [Enter].
The "Create Primary DOS Partition" screen appears. You see the
Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a
Primary DOS Partition and make the partition active
34. Press [N], and then press [Enter].
You will see a message
Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space
(%) to create a Primary DOS Partition.
35. Press [Enter].
The "Create Primary DOS Partition" screen appears, and you
see the message
Primary DOS Partition created.
36. Press [Esc].
You return to the "FDISK Options" screen.
37. Press [1], and then press [Enter].
The "Create DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive" screen
38. Press [2], and then press [Enter].
The "Create Extended DOS Partition" screen appears. You will
see a message
Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space
(%) to create a Extended DOS Partition.
39. Press [Enter].
Chapter 4. Solving computer problems 115