STL2 Server Board TPS Server Management
Revision 1.0 3-27
Sensor Type Sensor Type
Event Remarks
04h CD-ROM boot completed The server has been booted (not
OS Critical Stop 20h 00h Stop during OS load /
OS stalled during startup
01h Run-time Stop OS stalled during startup
System ACPI Power
22h 00h S0 / G0 Working DC is ON
01h S1 “sleeping with system H/W
& processor context
S1 Sleep State
04h S4 “non-volatile sleep /
suspend-to disk”
S4 Sleep State
05h S5 / G2 “soft-off” DC is OFF
07h G3 / Mechanical Off AC is OFF
08h Sleeping (cannot differentiate
between S1-S3)
SUSC# OS has been asserted
without the instruction to sleep
Watchdog 2 23h 01h Hard Reset POST/Boot monitor timed out
02h Power Down OS WDT shut down after the
monitor timeout
08h Timer Interrupt OS WDT monitor timed out
SMI Timeout F3h SMI Timeout SMI# has been asserted for more
than ten seconds
EMP F5h 00h Communication Error Communication is unavailable even
though the BMC is in communication
Sensor Failure F6h 00h I
C Bus Device Address Not
SMBus Device does not answer.
01h I
C Bus Device Error Detected Other access errors
02h I
C Bus Timeout SMBus Timeout error
OEM Reserved F7h - FFh
3.3 ACPI
The Advance Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)-aware operating system can place the
system into a state where the hard drives spin down, the sytem fans stop, and all processing is
halted. In this state the power supply is still on and the processors still dissipate some power,
such that the power supply fan and processor fans are still running.
Note: ACPI requires an operating system that supports this feature.
The ACPI sleep states discussed below are defined as:
s0: Normal running state
s1: Processor sleep state. No content is lost in this state and the processor caches
maintain coherency.