MiTAC 8050D Laptop User Manual

D N/B Maintenance
D N/B Maintenance
Following is a list of error codes in sequent display on the debug board.
17H Size Memory
18H Dispatch To RAM Test
19H checksum the ROM
1AH Reset PIC's
1BH Initialize Video Adapter(s)
1CH Initialize Video (6845 Regs)
1DH Initialize Color Adapter
1EH Initialize Monochrome Adapter
1FH Test 8237A Page Registers
20H Test Keyboard
21H Test Keyboard Controller
22H Check If CMOS Ram Valid
23H Test Battery Fail & CMOS X-SUM
24H Test the DMA controllers
25H Initialize 8237A Controller
26H Initialize Int Vectors
27H RAM Quick Sizing
28H Protected mode entered safely
29H RAM test completed
2AH Protected mode exit successful
2BH Setup Shadow
2CH Going To Initialize Video
00h Boot started
01h Disable A20 through A20
02h Initialize CS
03h Test RAM
04h Move BL into the RAM
05h Execution in RAM
06h Check OVERRIDE option
07h Shadow System BIOS
08h Checksum System BIOS ROM
09h Proceed with Normal Boot
0Ah Proceed with Crisis Boot
0Fh Fatal Error
F0h .... - No RAM
F1h ..._ - RAM test failed
99h Resume SMRAM not Found
10H Some Type Of Long Reset
11H Turn off FASTA20 for POST
12H Signal Power On Reset
13H Initialize the Chipset
14H Search For ISA Bus VGA Adapter
15H Reset Counter/Timer 1
16H user register config through CMOS
7.3 Error Codes - 1
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