MiTAC 8050D Laptop User Manual

D N/B Maintenance
D N/B Maintenance
D0H check rom signature, 1.x video
D1H enable RAM area in regs
D2H copy ROM to RAM in regs
D3H update segment range attr
D4H configure memory registers
D5H configure I/O registers
D6H configure IRQ assignments
D7H turn on PCI device
D8H 2.x video r/w segment
D9H OEM defined, rom init
DAH disable add-in rom card decode
DBH PCI return(config and no video)
DCH enable RAM area in regs
DDH copy ROM to RAM in regs
DEH update segment range attr
DFH configure memory registers
E0H configure I/O registers
E1H configure IRQ assignments
E2H turn on PCI device
E3H 2.x video r/w segment
E4H OEM defined, rom init
E5H disable add-in rom card decode
E6H PCI return(config and no video)
E7H look for PCI bridge device
E8H search IDE controllers on the PCI bus
E9H start of cardbus config
A1H Enable/Verify R/W Status Runtime Data
A2H Get/Verrify R/W Stattus NVRAM data area
A3H Resolve System Nodes with the CMOS settings
A4H Init. var. in the PNP BIOS Runtime Data area
A5H Hook INT 15
A6H copy/setup $PnP Install Check in F0000 seg.
A7H Allow the OEM any Last Minute Hooks
A8H Write protect RTData Area & NVRAM Copy Buffer
A9H return from pnp_init proc
7.3 Error Codes - 3
Following is a list of error codes in sequent display on the debug board.
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