Chapter 6: Configuring the Wireless-G VPN Broadband Router
The Administration Tab - Diagnostics
Wireless-G VPN Broadband Router
The Administration Tab - Diagnostics
The ping test allows you to check the connections of your network components.
Ping Test
Ping Test Parameters
Ping Target IP. Enter the IP address of the network device whose connection you wish to test.
No. of Pings. Enter the number of times that you want to ping the device.
Ping Size. Enter the size of the ping packets.
Ping Interval. Enter the ping interval in milliseconds (how often you want the device to be pinged).
Ping Timeout. If there is no response the ping test will time out after a specified length of time. Enter the timeout
period in milliseconds.
Click the Start Test button to start the test. The results of the test will be displayed in the window. Click the Abort
Test button to stop the test. Click the Clear Result button to clear the results.
For help information, click More.
Figure 6-43: Administration Tab - Diagnostics