Mitsubishi Electronics Q06HCPU Electronic Accessory User Manual

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11.4 Canceling of Errors
The High Performance model QCPU can perform the cancel operation for errors only
when the errors allow the CPU module to continue its operation.
To cancel the errors, follow the steps shown below.
1) Eliminate the cause of the error.
2) Store the error code to be canceled in the special register SD50.
3) Energize the special relay SM50 (OFF
4) The error to be canceled is canceled.
After the CPU module is reset by the canceling of the error, the special relays, special
registers, and LEDs associated with the error are returned to the status under which
the error occurred.
If the same error occurs again after the cancellation of the error, it will be registered
again in the error history.
When multiple enunciators(F) detected are canceled, the first one with No. F only is
(1) When the error is canceled with the error code to be canceled stored in the
SD50, the lower one digit of the code is neglected.
If error codes 2100 and 2101 occur, and error code 2100 to cancel error code
If error codes 2100 and 2111 occur, error code 2111 is not canceled even if error
code 2100 is canceled.
(2) Errors developed due to trouble in other than the CPU module are not canceled
even if the special relay (SM50) and special register (SD50) are used to cancel
the error.
The cause of "SP. UNIT DOWN" error cannot be removed even by using the
special relay (SM50) and special register (SD50), because the error is
developed on the Q bus.
Refer to the error code list in Section 11.3.2 to remove the cause of the error.