EDS-508 Series User’s Manual Featured Functions
At the top of this page, the user can check the “Current Status” of this function. For RSTP, you
will see:
Now Active:
This field will show which communication protocol is being used—Turbo Ring, RSTP, or neither.
Root/Not Root
This field will appear only when selected to operate in RSTP mode. It indicates if this EDS is or is
not the Root of the Spanning Tree (the root is determined automatically).
At the bottom of this page, the user can configure the “Settings” of this function. For RSTP, you
can configure:
Protocol of Redundancy
Setting Description Factory Default
Turbo Ring
Select this item to change to the
Turbo Ring configuration page.
Select this item to change to the
RSTP configuration page.
Bridge priority
Setting Description Factory Default
User selectable
Increase this device’s bridge
priority by selecting a lower
number. A device with a higher
bridge priority has a greater
chance of being established as the
root of the Spanning Tree
Hello time (sec.)
Setting Description Factory Default
User adjustable
The root of the Spanning Tree
topology periodically sends out a
“hello” message to other devices
on the network to check if the
topology is healthy. The “hello
time” is the amount of time the
root waits between sending hello