
Create Filters
Filters process a trafc stream by selecting packets based on criteria in the packet header. A lter is dened using a
lteraddcommand, which also species the Network ports and Monitor ports the lters apply to. The lteradd
command species the following behavior:
Trafc is aggregated from all the listed Network ports
Then the lter parameters are applied
Packets which match all of the specied lter parameters are copied to all of the listed Monitor ports, assuming
the action=redir.
If the action=drop, the matching packets are not copied to any Monitor port; this mechanism is used to create
exclusive lters.
TosendMonitorPort1alltrafcreceivedatNetworkPort5fromIPaddresses to
Enter 1. lteraddin_ports=n1.5ip_src=ip_src_mask=action=redirredir_
ports=m.1. A lter has been dened to select all IPv4 packets from Network Port 5 with a source IP addresses
of and the lowest four address bits masked out (ignored); packets matching the lter are copied to
Monitor Port 1.
Enter 2. ltercommit. The lter is activated.
Network Port 5 Monitor Port 1
Source IP = -
lter add in_ports=n1.5 ip_src= ip_src_mask= action=redir redir_ports=m.1
Simple IP address lterFigure 26:
Enter 1. lteraddin_ports=n1.3ip4_prot=3action=redirredir_ports=m.6,m.8. A lter has been dened to select
all IPv4 packets that use the TCP protocol received at Network Port 3 and copy them to Monitor Port 6 and Monitor
Port 8. (Protocols are designated by an industry-standard numbering system. See Appendix C for details.)
Enter 2. ltercommit. The lter is activated.
Network Port 3
Protocol =
Monitor Port 6
Monitor Port 8
lter add in_ports=n1.3 ip4_prot=3 action=redir redir_ports=m.6,m.8
Simple IPv4 protocol lter (with regeneration)Figure 27:
Available lter parameters are listed in Appendix B and include:
ip_proto IP protocol