If you cannot locate this information, ask your ISP to provide it. When your Internet connection is working, you no
longer need to launch the ISP login program on your computer to access the Internet. When you start an Internet
application, your modem router automatically logs you in.
Set Up Your Modem Router for DSL Service
You can install your modem router for DSL service or for cable or fiber (Ethernet WAN) service. If you use a DSL
modem, follow the procedure that is described in Cable the Modem Router for DSL Service and Access the Modem
Router on page 24. If you use a cable or fiber modem, follow the procedure that is described in Set Up the Modem
Router for Cable or Fiber Service on page 32.
DSL Service
Make sure that your ADSL or VDSL service is active before you install the modem router.You need the following
information to install your DSL modem and connect to the Internet:
• DSL user name and password.This information is included in the welcome letter your DSL ISP sent you when
you signed up for your service. Record your DSL Internet service account user name and password.
• Your telephone number or DSL account number. If you do not use voice service, you can use your DSL
account number in place of a phone number.
If you do not know or cannot locate your DSL user name and password, call your DSL Internet service provider
(ISP). Be specific when speaking with your DSL Internet service provider. For example, you could say, “I need my
DSL service user name and password. Can you help me?”
If your provider says that they do not support NETGEAR services, tell them that you need
only your DSL user name and password.You do not need support.
Cable the Modem Router for DSL Service and Access the
Modem Router
The following figure shows the cabling of your modem router for DSL service.
Install and Access the Modem Router and Its Network
Nighthawk X4S AC2600 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router Model D7800