NETGEAR M4100-D12G-POE+ Switch User Manual

Switching Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
show mac-address-table gmrp
This command displays the GMRP entries in the Multicast Forwarding Database (MFDB)
Format show mac-address-table gmrp
Mac Address
Port-Based Network Access Control Commands
This section describes the commands you use to configure port-based network access
control (802.1x). Port-based network access control allows you to permit access to network
services only to and devices that are authorized and authenticated.
Leave Timer
The period of time to wait after receiving an unregister request for an attribute before
deleting the attribute. Current attributes are a VLAN or multicast group.
This may be
considered a buffer time for another station to assert registration for the same attribute in
order to maintain uninterrupted service. There is an instance of this timer on a per-Port,
per-GARP participant basis. Permissible values are 20–600 centiseconds (0.2 to 6.0
seconds). The factory default is 60 centiseconds (0.6 seconds).
LeaveAll Timer
This Leave All Time controls how frequently LeaveAll PDUs are generated. A LeaveAll
PDU indicates that all registrations will shortly be deregistered. Participants will need to
rejoin in order to maintain registration.
There is an instance of this timer on a per-Port,
per-GARP participant basis. The Leave All Period Timer is set to a random value in the
range of LeaveAllTime to 1.5*LeaveAllTime. Permissible values are 200–6000
centiseconds (2–60 seconds). The factory default is 1000 centiseconds (10 seconds).
The GMRP administrative mode for the port. It may be enabled or disabled. If this
parameter is disabled, Join
Time, Leave Time, and Leave All Time have no effect.
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
A unicast MAC address for which the switch has forwarding and or filtering information.
The format is 6 or 8 two-digit hexadecimal numbers that are separated by colons, for
example 01:23:45:67:89:AB. In an IVL system the MAC address is displayed as 8 bytes.
The type of the entry. Static entries are those that are configured by the end user.
Dynamic entries are added to the table as a result of a learning process or protocol.
The text description of this multicast table entry.
The list of interfaces that are designated for forwarding (Fwd:) and filtering (Flt:).
Term Definition