FINS Commands and Responses Section 6-4
Command Codes The command code consists of two bytes of data, and indicates the contents
of the command. A FINS command must begin with a 2-byte command code,
and any parameters must follow the command code.
Response Codes The response code consists of two bytes of data, and indicates the result of
the command execution. The first byte is the MRES (main response code),
which indicates the broad classification of the execution result. The second
byte is the SRES (sub-response code), which gives the detailed classification.
The following table shows the main response codes and the execution results.
For a more detailed listing of response codes, including the sub-response
codes, refer to 6-7 Response Codes.
6-4-3 Applicable Units for FINS Commands
The parameters used with FINS commands and responses depend on the
Unit to which the command is being sent. The FINS commands and
responses addressed to Controller Link Units, to C200HX/HG/HE PLCs, and
to CQM1H-series PLCs are explained in this manual. For explanations of
FINS commands for other Units, refer to the FINS Commands Reference
Manual (W227).
C200HX/HG/HE and CQM1H-series PLCs do not directly support FINS com-
mands, but the Controller Link Unit automatically converts the command for-
mat so that C200HX/HG/HE and CQM1H-series PLCs can process them. The
Unit also converts the response format so that the response can be returned
to the source of the command.
When FINS commands are sent via a Host Link System for CVM1, CV-series,
or CS/CJ-series PLCs, be sure to use the command format for relaying
between networks.
MRES Execution result MRES Execution result
00 Normal completion 21 Write not possible
01 Local node error 22 Not executable in current mode
02 Destination node error 23 No unit
03 Communications controller error 24 Start/stop not possible
04 Not executable (service not sup-
25 Unit error
05 Routing error 26 Command error
10 Command format error 30 Access error
11 Parameter error 40 Service interrupted by abort
20 Read not possible --- ---