Glossary-13510-A2-GN32-50 January 1998
carrier A 19- or 23-inch rack that supports single and multiport configurations and
accommodates up to 16 DSUs.
A signal issued by a DSU to indicate that it is connected to the digital network and
is ready to accept data.
Consultive Committee for
International Telegraphy
and Telephony (CCITT)
The international telecommunications standards organization.
control A data service unit (DSU) that is generally collocated with the host computer.
Data Communication
Equipment (DCE)
Equipment used for data transmission and reception.
Data Service Unit
A piece of equipment used to connect various types of data terminal equipment
(DTEs) to a digital network.
Data Set Ready
A signal issued by the DSU to indicate that it is powered on and ready to transmit
Data Terminal Equipment
Terminal equipment connected to the DSU that is used for communication over
digital networks. May be a terminal, computer, printer, or multiplexer.
Data Terminal Ready
An EIA-232-D signal which indicates that the DTE is ready for operation.
DATAPHONE II DSU An earlier generation data service unit (DSU).
Service (DDS)
An AT&T digital network used for communication among various types of DTEs.
Digital Data Service (DDS) A digital network.
Digital Loopback
A type of diagnostic test in which data is looped from the network through a DSU
back to the digital network.
Electronic Industries
Association (EIA)
An organization which sets data communication industry standards.