COMSPHERE 3500 Series Data Service Units
Glossary-2 January 1998 3510-A2-GN32-50
Line Signal Detect
A signal issued by the DSU that indicates that it is connected to a functional digital
Local Area Data Set
A mode of operation where the control and tributary DSUs are directly connected
via 4-wire, non-loaded metallic pairs rather than via a digital (DDS) network; they
do not pass data through a DDS network.
Local Loopback
A type of diagnostic test in which data is looped through a DSU from the DTE
interface and back to the DTE.
modular DSU A carrier-mounted circuit card that contains “gold finger” contacts that plug into a
rear connector plate. This circuit card type is easily removed from the front of the
carrier without having to disconnect cables. The Model 3511 is a modular DSU.
network interface The digital network vendor’s termination device (modular jack, terminal block,
Network Management
System (NMS)
A generic term for an Paradyne network management system. Includes the
DATAPHONE II diagnostic console (DC), network controller (NC), system
controller (SC), and 6800 Series NMS.
Out-of-Frame (OOF) A digital network trouble signal that indicates that frame alignment has been lost.
Out-of-Service (OOS) A digital network trouble signal that indicates the terminal or the access line is out
of order.
rear connector plate A plate with two DTE connectors that is used with a Model 3511 DSU (a modular
DSU). The rear connector plate is mounted onto the rear of the carrier. It allows
removal of a Model 3511 DSU without first disconnecting the DTE cables at the
rear of the carrier.
Received Data (RXD) A serial stream of digital information that is received by the DTE.
Regional Bell Operating
Company (RBOC)
A Bell Operating Company in a particular geographic area.
remote (REM) Refers to a data service unit (DSU) that is at the other (far) end of a DDS network.
Remote Digital Loopback
A digital loopback of a remote DSU initiated at the local DSU.
A signal generated by a data terminal equipment (DTE) to indicate that it has data
ready to transmit.
streaming terminal condition
A condition that occurs when a multipoint network tributary DTE holds the RTS
lead on too long.
Test Pattern
A test that generates a digital test pattern and verifies that the DSU is receiving the
same pattern.
Transmitted Data (TXD) A serial stream of digital information that is transmitted by a DTE.
Universal Service
Ordering Codes (USOC)
Generic telephone company service ordering codes.