Powerware 9315s Power Supply User Manual

Powerware 9315 Parallel Capacity/Redundant System with PHP SSBM
164201373 Rev. A 092402
Table 13---3 shows which options are available for each port. The sections that follow
describe the configuration settings you can change.
Ta b l e 1 3 --- 3 . Options Available for Each Communication Port
Port 1 Port 2 Options
X X Terminal Mode
X Calibration Mode
X X System Configuration
X Computer Mode
X Remote Monitor Mode
X X Baud rate of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19,200
X X Data size/stop bits of 8/1 or 8/2
X Data size/stop bits of 7/1 or 7/2
X X Disabled handshaking
X X XON/XOFF handshaking
13.4.1 Modes
The operational mode of the port. Each communications port operates in one of
the f ollowing modes:
Termi nal mode System events are logged immediately as they occur.
Calibration Used only by service personnel.
System Config. Allows you to set building alarms, battery tests, etc.
(Check with your Sales or Service Representative for availability.)
Computer Provides a proprietary Binary Computer Mode (BCM) Interface
for Powerware facility monitoring or net work communication via
Remote Monitor Sends all system event information to an RM P, RIM, or SCM.
Available for Port 1 only .
Port 1 and Port 2 cannot be in the same mode simultaneously; they must always be
operating in different modes. The modes are described later in this c hapter.
13.4.2 Rate
The baud rate of the equipment connected to this port. The baud rate determines
the speed of data transferred between the SSBM and the connected equipment.
For Remote Monitor mode, the baud rate must be set to 300. All other modes
should operate at t he highest baud rate available with the connected equipment.
300 baud is not recommended for any mode except Remote Monitor.
You can select a baud rate of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19,200.