Powerware 9315 Parallel Capacity/Redundant System with PHP SSBM
164201373 Rev. A 092402
10.3 Operation of SSBM with
Powerware 9315---625 thru 9315---750 UPMs
10.3.1 Initial Setup
1. Ensure the Switchboard System Bypass Module (SSBM) circuit breakers a re
manually charged and set as follows:
System Output Breaker (CBS) OP EN
System Bypass Breaker (CBP) OPEN
Backfeed Protection Breaker (FBP) OPEN
Maintenance Isolation Breaker (MIS) CLOSED (optional)
Maintenance Bypass Breaker (MBP) OPEN (optional)
2. Ensure t he UPS circuit breakers for all UPMs are set as follows:
UPS Input Breaker (CB1) Open
UPS Battery Breaker (CB2) (MBB) Open
UPS Output Breaker (CB3) Open
3. Ensure the Emergency UPM OFF PUSH TO RE SET pushbuttons on the SSBM
and all UPMs are pressed in.
NOTE: When power is applied in the following step, circuit breakers CBS, CBP, and
FBP will charge, if not already charged.
4. Close upstream UPM and SSBM input feeder circuit breakers.
5. Observe SSBM monitor screen becoming active and Alarm and Notice
messages scrolling.
6. Observe all UPM monitor screens become active as an indication o f logic
7. Verify all UPMs are shown on the SSBM mimic screen.