
USB Troubleshooting
TS Fig. 2
Solution 1:
In this situation, the cable modem is not installed correctly. Therefore, you must:
A. Uninstall the USB cable modem.
B. Remove another network adapter to allow sufficient space on your computer system for the
USB cable modem.
C. Reinstall the USB cable modem.
1A. Uninstall USB cable modem
Windows 98 SE
1) Remove the RCA or Thomson USB Cable Modem network adapter following the Windows
98 SE instructions outlined in Solution 1B, Remove Another Network Adapter, on page 34.
2) Remove both the netrcacm.sys and the netrcacm.inf file.
a) Left click on the Start icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.
b) Select Find, followed by Files and Folders. The Find All Files
window (TS Fig. 2) appears.
c) In the Named: box, type netrcacm. In the Look-in: box, use the pull down menu to
select your local hard drive (e.g., c:\).
d) Click the Include subfolders box, and press Find Now.
The netrcacm.sys file and the netrcacm.inf file should both appear.
e) Highlight both files and right click on Delete.
f) The Confirm Multiple File Delete window appears. Click on Yes to confirm your
approval to delete both files.
g) Close all open windows.