Paper Specifications
This printer accepts a variety of media, such as cut-sheet
paper (including up to 100 % recycled fiber content paper),
envelopes, labels, transparencies and custom-size paper.
Properties such as weight, composition, grain and moisture
content are important factors affecting printer performance and
output quality. Paper that does not meet the guidelines
outlined in this manual can cause the following problems:
• Poor print quality
Increased paper jams
Premature wear on the printer, requiring repairs.
• Some paper may meet all of the guidelines in this manual and
still not produce satisfactory results. This might be the result of
improper handling, unacceptable temperature and humidity
levels, or other variables over which Samsung has no control.
• Before purchasing large quantities of paper, make sure that the
paper meets the requirements specified in this user guide.
Always test paper before buying large quantities.
CAUTION: Using paper that does not meet that stated
specifications may cause problems for the printer, requiring
repairs. Repairs made necessary by the use of paper not
specified in this manual are not covered by the Samsung
warranty or service agreements.