To share your display Press Share Screen at the top of your screen.
A blue border appears around your display.
If you and another participant are in the same SMART Bridgit meeting, the
meeting’s owner must approve your request before you can share your display.
To stop sharing
your display
Select Stop Sharing.
The blue border around your display disappears.
Configuring the SMART Bridgit Software Meeting Settings
If you’re the owner or presenter of a SMART Bridgit meeting, you can configure
whether other participants can:
• Write digital ink notes when you’re sharing your display.
• Share their displays.
• Request remote control when you’re sharing your display.
To configure the SMART
Bridgit meeting settings
1. Select System > Advanced Settings at the top of your screen.
The Meeting Options dialog box appears.
2. Select the Allow others to draw check box to allow participants’ notes when
you’re sharing your display.
3. Select the Allow others to share their display check box to allow participants to
share their displays.
4. Select Allow others to use chat check box to allow participants to chat.
5. Select the Allow others to use remote control check box to allow participants to
request remote control when you’re sharing your display, and then press OK.