Additional commands (Printer) Important notes on document processing
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 181
On the document printer the position of the print character within the character
box is not generally determined horizontally and vertically (Epson compatibility).
It is therefore wise to refer to the vertical edges of the character box (left or right
character box limit) for horizontal safety distances. For vertical safety distances,
selection of the base line of the print character as a reference line is recommen-
ded. The base line is the line drawn for capital letters by printing the lowest need-
le used. On the document printer this is normally needle 20 for standard
character fonts with 10 and 12 characters/inch line spacing (needle 1 appears at
the top, needle 24 at the bottom on the typeface).
Reference lines of the character box
Definition 1:
The reference line for horizontal positioning on the document printer is the left
character box limit. The distances to reference lines to the left of the print cha-
racter specified in the following also refer to the left character box limit. Distances
to reference lines to the right of the print character specified in the following refer
to the right character box limit.
When printable areas are defined in this section, reference is always to
the character box defined here. The capital letter ’H’, used in the rele-
vant illustrations of printable areas, only serves as an example for all
print characters.