Additional commands (Printer) Status and error messages
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 223
Status and error messages
The CSI sequences described in the following section are either issued by the
program and acknowledged with appropriate responses or, depending on the
processing situation, are automatically generated by the document printer and
transmitted to the processor:
Command Function Initiator
ESC [ n ! t Initiating the control cycle Program
ESC [ n ) t
Setting control point II Program
ESC [ n ! z Global printer status Document printer
ESC [ “ z Requesting special printer
ESC [ n;m “ z Special printer messages Document printer
ESC [ n # z Requesting printing unit
ESC [ n1;...;n8 # z Printing unit parameters Document printer
The internal message buffer of the document printer is limited to ap-
prox. 30 status messages. When this buffer is full, messages subse-
quently generated are ignored (cleared). For this reason, care must be
taken in the application program that the messages are loaded and
evaluated at appropriate intervals.