Appendix IBM Emulations
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 345
IBM Emulations
IBM 4722 Emulation
The passbook and document printer emulates the IBM 4722 printers model 1, 2,
and 3. The functions of the printer model 3 are accessible only if a special
protocol is used on the RS232 interface. The other modules can be operated
without protocol and/or via the external interface.
The control sequences for the IBM printer 4712 are ignored.
The selection of the model 3 emulation is done by setting the emulation type
’IBM 4722’.
This setting automatically enables the RS232 interface with the 4722 protocol.
Interface 4722 protocol
A CRC check and a check of the transmit and status sequence bits are not
carried out (message type byte).
The interface parameters are set to fixed values (except for the baud rate):
The setting SW 7 with/without acknowledgment handshake is made in the menu
Interface Handshake DTR / XON-OFF.
The acknowledgment of the print jobs is supplied ’n’ lines before their execution
to achieve a higher system performance. The data stream associated with the
common error messages EJECTED and/or NO_PAPER is, however,
acknowledged correctly.
The command MSG parameter ’load patches’ is ignored.
Only the indicators "Programmable Indicator 1u2" are supported.
The function of loadable characters is not supported, due to different print head
The print attributes ’overscore’ and ’double height’ are not supported.