Programming interface (General) Character tables
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 25
Character tables
Two areas are differentiated with the printable characters in a code table:
– Area with the basic character set of each type font (Draft standard type, Ro-
man, Sans Serif). This area is also called the ’basic character table’.
The characters of the basic character table are encrypted in ASCII by the co-
des hex 20 to hex 7F (decimal 32 to 127).
– Area with italic characters, special characters, graphics characters or cha-
racters defined by the user. This area is also called the ’upper character ta-
The characters in the upper character table are encrypted in ASCII with the
codes hex 80 to hex FF (decimal 128 to 255).
The italic character set contains a basic character table (hex 20 to hex 7F) and
an italic character table (hex A0 to hex FF). The area hex 80 to hex 9F is not
utilized. In the graphics character set the upper character table contains special
graphics characters in the area hex A0 to hex FF. In the extended graphics set
the upper character table additionally contains characters in the area hex 80 to
hex 9F.
It is possible to switch over the various character sets at any time via a program
by means of appropriate ESC or CSI sequences.
The program can be switched to different fontpages by ESC se-
quences. You can find the available codepages in the appendix.