T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 385
( American National Standards Institute)
Standards institute in the USA, similar to the DIN institute in Germany.
Antiqua fonts
Type fonts with serifs, for example, Bookman, Garamond, Times. These fonts
are especially suitable if large amounts of text are to remain easily legible.
(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
This code is internationally standardized and also known in Germany as ISO 7-
bit code. It defines a character set code used to exchange data between data
processing devices. Using the 7 bits of the ASCII code 128 characters can be
written (alphabet in upper and lower case letters, figures, special and control
Measuring unit for the specification of the transfer rate of data expressed in bits
per second (for example, 300 baud = 300 bits per second).
Control characters
A non-representable ASCII character to control printer functions (control code).
Characters transferred from the central unit to a peripheral device to initiate cer-
tain functions there are also described as control characters or control bytes.
Form on which data is first recorded in manual or mechanical form. Data carriers
used for mechanical data processing (mechanical document) such as plain lan-
guage documents, marking documents, labels, etc. are also called documents.
Document processing
Name of the processing of single documents.