Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
Appendix B: Examples
This example script demonstrates how the some of the various programmable
features of the Option 01 are used to control from 1 to 12 relay modules. These
modules can consist of any combination of VX4320, VX4330, VX4350,
VX4372, VX4374 and VX4380 relay modules. In these examples, the Option 01
is installed on a VX4320 Module. A VX4330, VX4350, VX4372, VX4374, and
VX4380 are installed in consecutive slots to the right of the VX4320.
It is assumed the module has completed its power-on self test. For information
on specific commands or syntax, please review the Syntax and Commands
H Query the identity of the module that the Option 01 is installed on.
H Query the card for any self-test errors.
Note that a response of 0 indicates that all modules controlled by the Option
01 daughter board passed the self test. A response of 1 indicates that one or
more modules have failed the self test. In that case, SYSTem:ERRor?
queries should be issued to determine which modules failed the self test.
H Query the identity of all the modules controlled by the Option 01
WRITE route:id?
READ VX4320 VX4330 VX4350 VX4372 VX4374 VX4380
H Query the module names assigned to each of the modules controlled by the
Option 01.
WRITE route:module:catalog?
READ "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5", "M6"
The names listed in the response to this query correspond to the modules in
the response to the route:id? query.
H Check the contents of the Standard Event Status register.
READ 128