IEEE-488.2 Common Commands
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
cleared by an *ESR? or *CLS command only. When converted to a binary
number, the bits of the ESR correspond to:
bit 0 (LSB) Operation Complete
1 Request Control
2 Query error
3 Device Dependent error
4 Execution error
5 Command error
6 User Request
7 (MSB) Power On
The Error bits are set whenever the module detects an error. The error values
from –100 to –199 are Command errors. Error values from –200 to –299 are
Execution errors. Error values from –300 to –399 are Device Dependent errors.
Error values from –400 to –499 are Query errors (see the SYSTem:ERRor
command description).
The Request Control and User Request bits are unused, and are always reported
as zeroes.
The Operation Complete bit is set in response to an *OPC command. A 1
indicates that the module has completed all pending commands and queries.
Identification query; This returns a 4-field response. Field 1 is the manufacturer,
field 2 the model, field 3 the serial number, and field 4 contains both the SCPI
and the firmware version levels. For the Option 01, the serial number field is
always a 0. The response syntax is:
TEKTRONIX,VX43xx,0,SCPI:94.0 FW1.1<LF>
where xx indicates the model number of the relay module that the Option 01 is
installed on:
Value of xx Model Number
20 VX4320
30 VX4330
50 VX4350
80 VX4380