Appendix B: Examples
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
H Query the close state of the relays in section 4 of the VX4380.
WRITE route:close? (@m6(1!1!4:4!16!4))
READ 000000000000000000000000
Note that the channel close states are returned in the following order:
1!1!4, 1!2!4, 1!3!4, ..., 1!16!4,
2!1!4, 2!2!4, 2!3!4, ..., 2!16!4,
3!1!4, 3!2!4, 3!3!4, ..., 3!16!4,
4!1!4, 4!2!4, 4!3!4, ..., 4!16!4
which is the same order in which the channels were specified in the query.
H Open all channels on all modules except the VX4320 Module. (Note that one
channel is always closed in each section of the VX4320, so the OPEN
command is not supported for this module.)
WRITE route:open:all m2; all m3; all m4; all m5; all
H Disjoin all sections of the VX4330.
WRITE route:configure:disjoin m2
H Configure sections 1 through 3 of the VX4330 to 4-wire configuration.
WRITE route:Conf fwire,m2,(1:3)
H Define a list of channels to scan through. Define this list as channels 1
through 10 in section 1 of the VX4330, channels 1 through 10 in section 2 of
the VX4330, channels 3 through 6 and 60 through 64 on the VX4350,
channels 1 through 12 in section 1 and 1 through 12 in section 2 of the
VX4374, and the channels that join row 2 to columns 1 through 16 in section
1 of the VX4380.
WRITE route:Scan (@m2(1!1:10!1,1!2:10!2),
H Set the time to wait after closing a relay before pulsing a VXI TTL trigger to
0.1 seconds for each module in the scan list defined in the previous example.
WRITE clos:dwell m2,.1; dwell m3,.1; dwell m5,.1;
dwell m6,.1
H Set the time to wait after opening a relay to 0.2 seconds for each module in
the scan list defined above.