Appendix B: Examples
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
WRITE open:dwell m2,.2; dwell m3,.2; dwell m5,.2;
dwell m6,.2
H Set the number of times to sequence through the defined scan list to 3.
WRITE trigger:Sequence:count 3
H Set the trigger source for the scan list to “immediate”. This programs the
Option 01 to generate an internal trigger after closing a channel in a scan list
and waiting for the close dwell (assigned to the module containing the
channel) to expire.
WRITE trigger:sequence:source immediate
H Enable the Operation Complete bit of the Standard Event Status register to
generate a VXI Request True interrupt to the commander of the Option 01
H Sequence through the scan list 3 times and set the Operation Complete bit in
the Standard Event Status register when finished.
WRITE initiate:immediate
H After the Option 01 sequences through the scan list three times, it will
generate a VXI Request True interrupt to its commander. When the
commander of the Option 01 detects a Request True interrupt, check the
contents of the Option 01’s Status Byte register.
READ 096
H This response indicates that bits 5 and 6 of the Status Byte register are set.
Bit 6 indicates that the Option 01 has generated a request true interrupt. Bit 5
indicates that the Operation Complete bit in the Standard Event Status
register has been set. (This bit was enabled to set bit 5 of the Status Byte
register by the previously issued *ESE 1 command.)
H Read the Standard Event Status register contents.
READ 001
READ 000
Note that the second read of the Standard Event Status register is zero
because this register is cleared each time an *ESR? query is received.