Status and Events
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
When output is sent to the Output queue (for example, a response to a query), the
message available bit in the Status Byte register is set to one (4).
When a bit in the Status Byte register is set to one and the corresponding bit in
the Service Request Enable register is enabled (5), the master status summary bit
in the Status Byte register is set to one and a service request is generated (6).
The Option 01 generates error messages in response to events caused by
commands or queries. Each type of event sets a specific bit in the Standard Event
Status register. Thus, each message is associated with a specific Standard Event
Status register bit. In the message tables that follow, the associated Standard
Event Status register bit is specified in the table title. Not shown in the tables are
secondary messages giving more detail about the cause of the error or the
meaning of the message. These secondary messages are shown for each
command and query in Syntax and Commands.
Table 4–5 shows the error messages generated by improper command syntax.
Check to see that the command is properly formatted and that it follows the rules
in Syntax and Commands.
Table 4–5: Command Error Messages (Bit 5 in Standard Event Status
Code Message
–102 Syntax error; 1 dimensional <channel_spec> invalid for VX4330 module
–102 Syntax error; 2 dimensional <channel_spec> invalid for VX4350 module
–102 Syntax error; 3 dimensional <channel_spec> invalid for VX43xx module
–102 Syntax error; channel dimension mismatch
–102 Syntax error; integer field greater than 10 characters
–102 Syntax error; Missing module name
Syntax error; Module name already defined
–102 Syntax error; Module name already defined
–102 Syntax error; Module name length greater than 12 characters
–102 Syntax error; Non–contiguous section numbers
–102 Syntax error; ROUTe:CONFigure command invalid for VX43xx module
–102 Syntax error; ROUTe:DISJoin command invalid for VX43xx module
–102 Syntax error; ROUTe:JOIN command invalid for VX43xx module
–102 Syntax error; ROUTe:MODE command invalid for VX43xx module
–102 Syntax error; Undefined module name
–102 Syntax error; Unexpected x detected while ...