Syntax and Commands
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
Table 3–1: Summary of Option 01-Specific SCPI Commands
Subsystem Command Functions Controlled
ABORt Place initiated scan in the idle state
CLOSe Close specified relays; DWELl
CONFigure Configuration: DISJoin, JOIN
ID? Return model numbers of modules controlled by the Option 01
INITiate Place trigger subsystem in armed state: IMMediate,
MODule Module name functions: DEFine, CATalog?, DELete
MODE VX4330 only; set mode to scan or mux
OPEN Open specified relays: ALL, DWELl
OUTPut Enable or disable selected VXI TTL trigger
PFAil Specify state of latching relays on powerfail
SCAN Define a list of relay closures to scan through
STATus Status register functions: OPERation, QUESstionable
SYSTem System-level functions: ERRor?, PRESet, VERSion?
TRIGger Scan list functions: COUNt, DELay, IMMediate, SOURce
Table 3–2: Summary of IEEE-488.2 Common Commands
Command/Syntax Description
Clear Status
Clears the SCPI and IEEE 488.2 event registers and
the SCPI error/event queue, and the output queue.
Standard Event Status Enable
*ESE <NRf>
Sets the contents of the Standard Event Status Enable
Standard Event Status Enable Query
Returns the current value of the Standard Event
Status Enable register in <nr1> format.
Standard Event Status Register Query
Returns the current value of the Standard Event
Status register in <nr1> format, then set the contents
of this register to 0.
Identification Query
Returns an ASCII string in the output queue which
identifies the board.
Operation Complete
Sets bit 0 (the Operation Complete bit) of the
Standard Event Status register when all pending
device operations have been completed.
Operation Complete Query
Places the ASCII character 1 in the output queue
when all pending device operations have been