Texas Instruments TI-73 Calculator User Manual

Using the TI-73: A Guide for Teachers
Number Sense
© 1998 T
Assessment Suggestions
The average length of the small intestine of an ostrich is
1372cm (45 ft.). Three ostriches have heights of 314cm (10
ft. 3 in.), 308cm (10 ft. 1 in.), and 299cm (9 ft. 8 in). Have
students find the ratio of the ostriches’ average height to
average intestine length.
Investigate the length of the intestine for different
animals. Compare the ratio of the height to intestine
length to the ratio you discovered above.
Herbivores length of intestines = 4 times body length or 12
times length of torso.
Carnivores length of intestines = body length or 6 times
length of torso.
How many average students would it take to make the
length of a weasel’s intestine?
How many teachers would it take to make the length of
the intestine?