Using the microphones
Your computer has a built-in microphones that can be used to record stereo sounds
into your applications. It can also be used to issue voice commands to applications
that support such functions.
Since your computer has a built-in microphones and speaker, "howling" may be
heard under certain conditions. Howling occurs when sound from the speaker is
picked up in the microphones and amplified back to the speaker, which amplifies it
again to the microphones.
This howling occurs repeatedly and causes a very loud, high-pitched noise. It is a
common phenomenon that occurs in any sound system when the microphones
input is output to the speaker (throughput) and the speaker volume is too loud or
too close to the microphones. You can control throughput by adjusting the volume
of your speaker or through the Mute function.
To adjust the volume or activate Mute, click start, point to All Programs, point to
Accessories, point to Entertainment and click Volume Control. In the
Master Volume panel, you can use the slide bars to adjust the volume level or
click Mute at the bottom of the panel.
This section describes audio controls including sound levels and power
Volume control
The Volume Control utility lets you control the audio volume in Windows for both
playback and recording.
❑ To launch Volume Control for playback, click Start, point to All Programs,
point to Accessories, point to Entertainment and click Volume Control.
❑ To launch Recording Control, click Options, point to Properties, choose
Recording and click OK.
❑ To view details of the Volume Control, click Help on the Volume Control.
Microphone level
The change the microphone gain, follow the steps below.
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to Enter-
tainment and click Volume Control.
Using the microphones