The Restrict Rules screen allows you to create a list of keywords
for restricting Internet access. You can list keywords to block or
to allow.
NOTE: The same keyword list applies any PCs configured
to use keyword-based restrictions.
1. Under Block/Allow the Keywords for URL Filtering,
select whether you want to create a list of keywords to Block
or to Allow. If you select Block, PCs restricted by this rule
will not be allowed to access sites that match keywords on
the list. If you select Allow, PCs restricted by this rule will
ONLY be allowed access to sites that match keywords on
the list.
2. Under Contain/Match the Keywords for URL Filtering,
select whether you want to restrict URLs that Contain the
listed keywords or exactly Match the listed keywords.
3. Enter the keywords under the Keyword field at the bottom of
the screen.
4. Click Add Keyword to add the keyword to the list.
5. If you want to delete a keyword, highlight the keyword on the
list and click Delete Keyword. If you want to delete all the
keywords from the list, click Clear List.
6. Click Apply. If the router displays a dialogue box that says
“Values are saved. Do you really want to reboot the system
now?” click Cancel. We will reboot the router after all the
changes are made.
If you want to set a password to temporarily override Internet
access restrictions, click Set Override Password. This displays
the Override Password Settings screen (see Figure 9).
Figure 10 Override Password Settings Screen
1. To activate an override password, click Enable.
2. Enter the password under the Password field. Confirm the
password by entering it again in the Confirm Password
NOTE: For security reasons, the password will not be
visible from this screen. Make a note of the
password in the memo page of this manual (page
109) or some other safe location.
3. If you want the password to expire after a certain number of
uses, click Limit Override Password Usage. Then, enter
the number of times the password will work before it expires.
4. In the Override Duration field, select the number of hours of
Internet access the override password will grant. After this