Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface
72 Installation and Operations Manual
• Double-click on the icon to execute the ViewRTU application.
If more than one TankGate definition file (DVR) exists, the following dialog box is
Figure 6-1: ViewRTU Version Selection dialog
Each version file contains setup information that matches the firmware in the TankGate.
This information allows a single version of ViewRTU to configure multiple versions of the
TankGate. For example, MSTG1_00.DVR is a definition file that is compatible with
TankGate firmware version 1.00. Select the version that matches the version of firmware
in the TankGate. Note that you can determine the firmware version by viewing the SysVer
parameter of the SYS point.
• Choose the desired version and select OK.
If only one TankGate definition file (DVR) exists, the main window appears instead. The
main window is seen below.
When the ViewRTU program is opened, a new file appears in the window. The
components of this window are explained below.
Figure 6-2: Main ViewRTU window with descriptions